Children and Youth Classes

Our children's classes use a curriculum designed to teach God's Word in ways that help our children retain and understand the material. We currently use the curriculum from Great Commission Publications and One Story Ministries. Our goal in this ministry is to facilitate and support the learning and concepts that parents teach in the home. Teaching of the Westminster Shorter Catechism is embedded into the children's Sunday School lessons. Here is the breakdown for our Sunday School:

Nursery (0-2 years old)
Lower Elementary (Pre-School to 1st Grade)
Upper Elementary (2nd to 5th Grade)
Middle and Highschool (6th to 12th Grade)

Adult Class

A class is also offered for adults. This time is typically devoted to additional study in the Word of God. You can listen to one of our previous series on the book of Daniel here by Ruling Elder Larry Rodgers.

Sunday School classes begin after the morning worship service at 10:45 am. Providence provides classes for children of all ages and adults. We even offer classes for saints with special needs.